AccuGrade® 2D (CD610) for 120K, 120M, 12K, 12M, 140K, 140M, 14M, 160K, 160M, 16M and 24M Motor Graders Caterpillar

Operating Modes (Single Mast System with Single Sonic System)


120M B9C


如果铲刀上配备了 AccuGrade 标高传感器,则将回转盘和/或铲刀移动到最左端或最右端时必须小心谨慎。


显示器双控制箱上的 LCD 可显示与当前作业相关的具体信息。



图 1g01300914

(21) 左传感器位置窗口

(22) 右传感器位置窗口

(23) 设备状态图标

(24) 左标高显示图标

(25) 右标高显示图标

(26) 左制导源图标

(28) 左基准标高

(29) 斜坡百分比

(30) 右制导源图标

处于基准标高模式时,将出现与图 1 类似的制导模式屏幕。


  • 制导屏幕显示了目前正在使用的基准标高。

  • 按下箭头键 (1) 将偏移应用到基准标高。

  • 按下"左复位"按钮 (7) 或"右复位"按钮 (8) (取决于天线杆安装在机器的哪一侧)以便搜索并锁定激光束。 激光接收机处于在坡位置时,对激光束的搜索将终止。 这样可微调激光接收机的在坡位置。

  1. 根据需要将声波追踪器安装在铲刀的某一侧。

  1. 将电动天线杆和激光接收机安装在铲刀的另一侧。

  1. 选择独立操作模式。

  1. 将标高选择按钮切换到标高需要控制的铲刀一侧。

    注: 如果选择对铲刀的两侧进行标高控制,则激光自动控制一侧,声波自动控制另一侧。 如果选择了一侧,则横坡将控制另一侧。

  1. 使用箭头键 (1) 或遥控开关输入需要的横坡。

  1. 将横坡侧置于自动模式,以便将铲刀置于所需的坡度。

  1. 将具有提升设备的铲尖置于定准标记之上。

  1. 如果提升设备安装在左侧,按下左定准键 (7) 对提升设备进行定准。 如果提升设备安装在右侧,按下右定准键 (8) 对提升设备进行定准。

  1. 设置基准标高。

  1. 移动机器并将铲刀两侧均置于自动模式。 必要时应用偏移。


图 2g01301016

(21) 左传感器位置窗口

(22) 右传感器位置窗口

(23) 设备状态图标

(24) 左标高显示图标

(25) 右标高显示图标

(26) 左制导源图标

(28) 左基准标高

(29) 斜坡百分比

(30) 右制导源图标

处于开挖/填方模式时,将出现与图 2 类似的制导模式屏幕。


  • 制导屏幕显示了达到天线杆的基准标高所需的开挖或填方。 正值为开挖,负值为填方。

  • 具有天线杆和接收机的机器一侧的箭头键处于活动状态。

  • 没有天线杆和接收机的机器一侧的箭头键处于禁用状态。

  • 具有天线杆和接收机的机器一侧的"复位"键处于活动状态。

  • 没有天线杆和接收机的机器一侧的"复位"键处于禁用状态。

  • 具有天线杆和接收机的机器一侧的遥控偏移开关处于活动状态。

  • 没有天线杆和接收机的机器一侧的遥控偏移开关处于禁用状态。

Caterpillar Information System:

AccuGrade® 2D (CD610) for 120K, 120M, 12K, 12M, 140K, 140M, 14M, 160K, 160M, 16M and 24M Motor Graders Startup (Dual Mast System)
AccuGrade® 2D (CD610) for 120K, 120M, 12K, 12M, 140K, 140M, 14M, 160K, 160M, 16M and 24M Motor Graders Shutdown (Dual Mast System)
AccuGrade® 2D (CD610) for 120K, 120M, 12K, 12M, 140K, 140M, 14M, 160K, 160M, 16M and 24M Motor Graders Operating Modes (Dual Mast System)
793D Off-Highway Truck/Tractor Metering Pump (Steering) - Assemble
793D Off-Highway Truck/Tractor Metering Pump (Steering) - Disassemble
AccuGrade® 2D (CD610) for 120K, 120M, 12K, 12M, 140K, 140M, 14M, 160K, 160M, 16M and 24M Motor Graders Setup (Dual Mast System)
AccuGrade® 2D (CD610) for 120K, 120M, 12K, 12M, 140K, 140M, 14M, 160K, 160M, 16M and 24M Motor Graders Operating Modes (Dual Sonic System)
AccuGrade® 2D (CD610) for 120K, 120M, 12K, 12M, 140K, 140M, 14M, 160K, 160M, 16M and 24M Motor Graders General Maintenance Information
AccuGrade® 2D (CD610) for 120K, 120M, 12K, 12M, 140K, 140M, 14M, 160K, 160M, 16M and 24M Motor Graders End User License Agreement
AccuGrade® 2D (CD610) for 120K, 120M, 12K, 12M, 140K, 140M, 14M, 160K, 160M, 16M and 24M Motor Graders Display Description (Single Sonic System)
AccuGrade® 2D (CD610) for 120K, 120M, 12K, 12M, 140K, 140M, 14M, 160K, 160M, 16M and 24M Motor Graders Display Description (Single Mast System)
AccuGrade® 2D (CD610) for 120K, 120M, 12K, 12M, 140K, 140M, 14M, 160K, 160M, 16M and 24M Motor Graders Display Description (Dual Sonic System)
AccuGrade® 2D (CD610) for 120K, 120M, 12K, 12M, 140K, 140M, 14M, 160K, 160M, 16M and 24M Motor Graders Startup (Single Mast System with Single Sonic System)
AccuGrade® 2D (CD610) for 120K, 120M, 12K, 12M, 140K, 140M, 14M, 160K, 160M, 16M and 24M Motor Graders Operating Modes (Single Mast System)
AccuGrade® 2D (CD610) for 120K, 120M, 12K, 12M, 140K, 140M, 14M, 160K, 160M, 16M and 24M Motor Graders Shutdown (Single Mast System)
AccuGrade® 2D (CD610) for 120K, 120M, 12K, 12M, 140K, 140M, 14M, 160K, 160M, 16M and 24M Motor Graders Startup (Single Mast System)
AccuGrade® 2D (CD610) for 120K, 120M, 12K, 12M, 140K, 140M, 14M, 160K, 160M, 16M and 24M Motor Graders Operating Modes (Single Sonic System)
AccuGrade® 2D (CD610) for 120K, 120M, 12K, 12M, 140K, 140M, 14M, 160K, 160M, 16M and 24M Motor Graders Shutdown (Cross Slope System)
AccuGrade® 2D (CD610) for 120K, 120M, 12K, 12M, 140K, 140M, 14M, 160K, 160M, 16M and 24M Motor Graders Setup Mode
AccuGrade® 2D (CD610) for 120K, 120M, 12K, 12M, 140K, 140M, 14M, 160K, 160M, 16M and 24M Motor Graders Startup (Single Sonic System)
AccuGrade® 2D (CD610) for 120K, 120M, 12K, 12M, 140K, 140M, 14M, 160K, 160M, 16M and 24M Motor Graders Operating Modes (Cross Slope System)
AccuGrade® 2D (CD610) for 120K, 120M, 12K, 12M, 140K, 140M, 14M, 160K, 160M, 16M and 24M Motor Graders Setup (Cross Slope System)
AccuGrade® 2D (CD610) for 120K, 120M, 12K, 12M, 140K, 140M, 14M, 160K, 160M, 16M and 24M Motor Graders System Components
AccuGrade® 2D (CD610) for 120K, 120M, 12K, 12M, 140K, 140M, 14M, 160K, 160M, 16M and 24M Motor Graders Setup (Single Mast System)
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